Vitaliy Vlasyuk

I'm a full-stack web-developer who is in love with programming.

My Projects

MAII Artisan Patisserie

Full stack web application for patisserie / cake shop

Full stack web application for patisserie&cake shop build using modern techologies with RESTful APIs backend, authentication, autorization, order placement and Stripe payments.

JavaScript CSS EJS jQuery Axios Pixi Node/Express MongoDB/Mongoose Stripe Sendgrid Nodemailer Bcrypt.js JSON Web Token ParcelJS Heroku


Single-page web application for trip planning

TRIPODREAM fetches and displays weather forecast and an image of the desired location. Users can add flights, packing list and notes for the upcoming trip. All information is stored in local storage and trips can be exported to PDF.

JavaScript Sass Node/Express Axios jsPDF Amadeus API Geonames API Pixabay API VisualCrossing API Webpack Workbox Jest


Single-page web application for sentiment analysis

SENTI.APP is a single-page web application that allows users to perform a detailed multilingual sentiment analysis of texts from different sources.

JavaScript Sass Node/Express Axios particles.js MeaningCloud API Webpack Workbox Jest


This portfolio web-site

My portfolio web-site, which I created with an aim to be modern&sleek looking. Contact Form is build with a Serverless, AWS Lambda and AWS SES.

JavaScript Sass Serverless AWS Webpack NPM